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    Getting rid of muscle pain is an attainable goal using the ''Pain Relief Stretch System''. By addressing tight muscles and the resulting loss of mobility in the joints, you can get at the cause of most muscle pain. 

Below are the recommended steps. These are just guides for you.

    To get pain relief from these apps, you do not have to know the muscles or understand why you have the pain.   Just follow the Stretch Progression section in the exact order shown, and you should see a considerable improvement in just a week or two.

    After that, occasionally check your mobility to see if you are progressing.  Review the Stretch Instruction section to ensure you perform the stretches correctly.  

It would be best if you experienced pain reduction, increased mobility, and better posture.

Below are the basic steps to follow when using this Application:


    •    First, check your joint mobility to know where your beginning is.

    •    Recheck your mobility every so often.

    •    Please check the ''Mobility'' section to see the normal mobility for each Joint.  

    •    When you have limited mobility in a joint, the compressive forces from tight muscles break down the joint, causing unnecessary degeneration.


    •    Trust the stretches and the routines to help the areas you have discomfort with. Keep aware of what muscles feel tight.

    •    Please watch the video for the muscles involved in your stretching areas.  These are located in the ''Instructional Stretch'' section after each stretch. 

    •    It is essential to know what muscle is causing your pain and or loss of mobility.  Because this may not always be obvious, rely on the stretching routines to work on the whole area.

    •    Watch the videos in the ''Pain''  section to understand better what is causing your pain and how to improve posture and decrease the stress to the painful area.


    •    Go through the stretches in the ''Stretching Progression''  section.  

    •    < UNK> Follow the stretch progression, adding a few stretches every few days.  

    •    When the stretch becomes easy, you should perform the stretch occasionally. 

    •    For the most information, please see the ''Stretch Instruction'' section.



    •    If worse, are you stretching correctly?  

    •    Go through the stretching tips in this section to familiarize yourself with the proper stretching rules.


Stretch Progression: explained in more detail

    •    You start on ''Day One'' by checking mobility and then trying the first progression.

    •    When you get to ''Day Three'', add Day Three stretches. Keep doing the Day One stretch.

    •    When you get to ''Day Eight'', add those and keep doing the Day One and Day Three stretches.

    •    You are now doing the entire progression of stretches for that area.

    •    When stretches become easy, you can eliminate or do them occasionally.

    •    By the end of 2 weeks, you should only do approximately ½ of the stretches given because the other margins became easy.  

    •    If you started Day One with severe tightness or pain, it may take a couple more weeks before some stretches seem easy.  


    The progression section stretches are specific stretches that target specific muscles and are performed to open up the joints to a neutral position to regain good posture.  Once the person regains their proper, natural muscle length and joint mobility, they should move on to the stretches in the ''Maintenance'' section to maintain their mobility.  

    The ''Maintenance'' stretches cover the significant parts of the area of the body being addressed so that there is no need for separate routines for different sports or specific work conditions.

    The'' Maintenance'' stretches are the ones I recommend you should do after you have done the stretching routines often enough for them to be easy, “pain-free,” and moving toward full mobility.  


    •    Any tough stretch (“tight”) should be performed frequently until it is easy.  

    •    Our goal is to regain full muscle length and joint mobility. 


See your doctor if you are not better in approximately ten days of stretching.  

The pain may be due to something other than muscular.






    Stretching isn’t anything new.  Most people don’t realize the importance of stretching, even the professionals.  Stretching is not just an occasional feel-good activity.  Stretching is the most important thing you can do for your body.  Stretching not only increases circulation, it also improves longevity and prevents unnecessary degeneration and pain in your body.  Stretching takes painful toxins out of the muscle and should be done after every physical activity.  Stretching lengthens the muscles back to standard length to prevent injuries.  Stretching has been an integral part of orthopedic science and is continually improved upon. 




The ''Pain Relief Stretching System'' is a unique, effective tool to help people take control and eliminate their muscle pain.   This system safely helps people regain their lost mobility and get their joints back to a neutral position.  Getting back to proper posture is our number one goal and a natural result obtained with this stretching system. By taking the stress off of joints and muscles, degeneration in the area is reduced, with the increased prevention of injury.


    Many people need clarification on stretching and strengthening exercises.  Shoulder shrugs are commonly thought of as a stretch.  It may provide limited circulation to the area to give temporary relief, but it is a strengthening exercise.   Stretching is elongating a tight muscle, and strengthening results in the shortening of a muscle.   Both provide needed circulation to the area, but strengthening shortens the muscle fibers.  Another movement that people often mistake as stretching is the twisting of the torso. When you twist your body, you contract your waist muscles to twist your torso, which is a constant quick movement.  If you have tight muscles and spinal damage, twisting the torso could cause damage to your spine.


    Stretching involves lengthening a muscle to its comfortable limit.  A Stretch must be held for at least 20 seconds to lengthen the Muscle fibers.  If a Stretch is fast or painful, it sets off the ''stretch reflex'', to protect the Muscle from getting injured.  When you stretch, the muscle fiber is pulled out to its full length, sarcomere by sarcomere, until all the threads are maximally lengthened.  The muscle fibers are stretched and lengthened by holding the muscle in a particular position for a long time.  There are many different stretching techniques, but I find my system easy to follow and understand, and we do not need someone to help you perform the stretch. 




To stretch correctly, I teach my patients the B.E.A.C.H.  stretching rules:



    Breathe slow and deep. No shallow breathing



    Don’t Bounce!  The stretch should be done slowly



    Don’t slouch.  Keep your body upright and erect



    The stretch should NEVER be painful.  Just a mild pull



    Hold each Stretch for 15-20 seconds. Make sure you do three repetitions on each side.


Do each stretch 5 to 7 times a day until it becomes easy.


Once the stretch is easy, try it daily to keep the muscle flexible and pain-free.


    Stretch once a day; you keep the muscle at the same length.  If you have had a physically active day, two repetitions may keep you at the same muscle length.  To stretch a muscle to its average length, it must be done frequently every day until the muscle length and joint mobility return to normal.  I recommend 5 to 7 times daily to get the size back as quickly as possible.   You can stretch anytime and anywhere.   It would be best to stretch whenever you have a free moment, especially when you get up from being sedentary.  Before an activity, you need to get your body circulating.  When you get blood into the Muscles, you will make the Muscle more efficient and prevent injury.  Walking or a slow jog is recommended.  You must stretch after any physical activity.  This removes the lactic acid accumulated during the move (which causes pain and stiffness) and improves your flexibility.  Remember, this system should be the first step before starting or resuming any former athletic activity to get the Muscles and Joints back to a neutral position to prevent injuries and pain.


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